A great example of this is with the first woman in history. In English, we refer to her as Eve. Yet, that is not her Hebrew name and her English translation doesn’t carry with it any of the importance or significance of her real name, Chavah.
So what does Chavah (Eve) mean?
How does Chavah, the first woman, represent the mother of all life? Through experience as expression and through expression as experience she mothers all life. She shapes and develops formless matter, carrying it within her until it is ready to be born. However, the mothering process does not end with physical birth, for she then continues to nurse this life, feeding and sustaining it physically, emotionally, and spiritually. She continues to nourish it throughout its life, helping to actualize its latent potential and helping this life to develop and experience its utmost expression. And by doing this, she is constantly giving birth to new levels of ability and depth of life experience, both within herself and within all those around her, earning the title “mother of all life.” - By Sara Esther Crispe
Therefore, let us remember that not only are we mothers of children, but mothers of all life in itself. We are in a continual cycle of developing, planning, nourishing, sustaining and pushing. The role of a mother is never ending, but the joy of Yahweh choosing us as the vessel of life is even more of an honor.
Enjoy being a mother everyday because without God using us appropriately there would be no being fruitful and multiplying.
Love and Blessings