Thank you for taking the time to visit
Our goal is to create an atmosphere of peace, comfort and healing when you enter this website. May God receive all glory for each healing and deliverance that occurs as you bask in the ambiance of His awesomeness.
God bless each and every one of you.
This website is a place where you can come and receive encouragement, an introduction to God and anything that is meant to motivate you. It is a place to come if prayer is needed or if you may be facing a crisis in your life.
The main purpose of this ministry is to help others to learn how to bounce back from emotional, physical, spiritual and psychological scars. Our aim is to teach individuals how to heal their scars so they may become productive in relationships with their spouses, friends, family, co-workers, etc.
I pray that you find this ministry to be a help in your area of need. It is my goal to uplift, encourage, strengthen and motivate each one of you while glorifying God along the way.
Welcome to "The Spiritual ER" where wounds become scars and healing takes place. It is my desire to assist anyone that needs help healing those open infected wounds. There is a healing balm here that will turn those open wounds into "My Scars."
MISSION: To assist in helping those who are wounded emotionally, physically, spiritually and/or mentally regain back their faith and self-esteem needed to continue on the journey which God has predestined for them.
VISION: To band together a group of believers dedicated to helping the lives of those hurting around the globe.
The main purpose of this ministry is to help others to learn how to bounce back from emotional, physical, spiritual and psychological scars. Our aim is to teach individuals how to heal their scars so they may become productive in relationships with their spouses, friends, family, co-workers, etc.
I pray that you find this ministry to be a help in your area of need. It is my goal to uplift, encourage, strengthen and motivate each one of you while glorifying God along the way.
Welcome to "The Spiritual ER" where wounds become scars and healing takes place. It is my desire to assist anyone that needs help healing those open infected wounds. There is a healing balm here that will turn those open wounds into "My Scars."
MISSION: To assist in helping those who are wounded emotionally, physically, spiritually and/or mentally regain back their faith and self-esteem needed to continue on the journey which God has predestined for them.
VISION: To band together a group of believers dedicated to helping the lives of those hurting around the globe.