Now, I'm about to step on some toes, lose some friends and cause some gasps, but The TRUTH will set you FREE and I'm about to give it to you.
Now, let me break this down for you. I love Dictionary.com's definition of the word RELIGIOUS... Take note
1. scrupulously faithful; conscientious:
2. pertaining to or connected with a monastic or religious order.
3. appropriate to religion or to sacred rites or observances
Hold on now, I'm going somewhere. NOW, check out Dictionary.com's definition of the word RELATIONSHIP
1. a connection, association, or involvement.
2. connection between persons by blood or marriage.
3. an emotional or other connection between people:
See, what The Spirit is saying is this, we've got too many religious folks and not enough that have a relationship with The Father.
You can go to church religiously every Sunday and Wednesday for life and still not advance in the Kingdom because you don't have a relationship with The Father. Most people have it twisted. They think because they attend every church function, sing in the choir, tithe, etc (RELIGIOUSLY) that gives them their guaranteed right to heaven. You know a reserved spot. Listen, you cannot buy your way into Heaven nor good deed your way there. You have to have a (RELATIONSHIP) with Yahweh (God) in order to understand the true value of salvation and being "born again".
Am I saying, it's wrong to go to church so much, "NO." But, what I am saying is if you don't develop and nurture a relationship with The Creator you will miss out on the beauty of it all. What good is it if your spouse religiously calls you his/her wife/husband yet never converses with you, spends time with you or is concerned about your needs? Eventually, that relationship will fade away, right? Well, so will your relationship with God if you aren't spending time with Him and continually nurturing and developing that relationship. This is the very reason some of you are so confused. You've been so religious at doing things that you have fizzled out the relationship and when problems arise you can't tell the voice of God from the voice of the devil because you haven't established a relationship with The Master.
Tonight, that is your word from above. You now know better that you may do better. Be blessed in the mighty name of Yeshua.
Love and Blessings ~ Pastor Monica K. Harris
John 10:27 (NIV) "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me."